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Igor Zagorodniuk: near cave Slavka, Podillja Uppland

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Igor and Alex Zagorodniuk: in the Zhukin forestry

Author's parts
in EES-site:

all general pages,
mammals & birds,
list of raritets,
news of the site.

Friendly sites:

site of the Theriological School

site of the Ukrainian Centre for Bat Protection

Scientific interests
ecology of terrestrial vertebrates.
sibling-species biogeography & evolution.
problems of species in systematics & ecology.
concepts of species and modes od speciation.
rarity species and adventive biota.

Qualifying work
Ph.D. Thesis in the speciality "03.00.08 - Zoology"
"Systematics of the common and the pine voles from the Eastern Europe".
Kyiv: Institute of zoology, Acad. Sci. Ukr., 1991, 82 pp.
Supervisors: Prof. Nikolaj Vorontsov & Elena Liapunova.

Supervision of dissertations
Kysseljuk O. I. Communities of small mammals in the reserved ecosystems of Eastern Carpathians: Dissert. … candidate biol. sciences. Kyiv: Inst. zool, Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukr., 1998.
Kondratenko O. V. Microtheriofauna of the Donets-Don and Donets-Azov Steppes: Dissert. … candidate biol. sciences. Kyiv: Inst. zool, Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukr., 2003.
Godlevska O. V. Communities of bats in natural and urbic territories of Ukraine: Dissert. will be finished in 2005.

Work address
Regular Post: Natural-history ang Geographical faculty (office 163),
Luhansk National Pedagogical University,
2 Oboronna str., Luhansk, 91011, Ukraine.
Phone: (+38)(0642)–63–91-73; Mobile: (+38-067)

Current place of work
Ecological Department, Luhansk University, assistant professor. Supervision of the course and diploma projects of students-ecologists. Lecturing of the ecological courses.

Selected publications
Special publications in the field of faunistics and ecology of mammals, investigated by author with special attention, are announced in corresponded parts of this site (mammals), and in the sites of the Theriological School and of the Ukrainian Centre for Bat Protection. Here, just selected surveyed and analitical publications in the general zoology, ecology and sozology are listed. on the right margin of this page the items of information about selected monographical issues are given.
[total bibliography]

Zagorodnyuk I., Khomenko V. The fauna of Ukraine in the "Red Book of Ukrainian SSR" (1980). Biogeographical analysis // Oicumena (Ukr. Ecol. Review), 1995, N 1-2. Pp. 95-99. (In Ukrainian).

Zagorodniuk I. V., Emelianov I. G., Khomenko V. N. Estimation of taxonomic diversity in faunistic communities // Reports Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukr., 1995, N 7. P. 145-148. (In Russian, with summary in English).

Zagorodniuk I., Pokynchereda V., Kyseliuk A., Dovganich Ya. Mammals fauna of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve. — Kyiv, Inst. zool. NANU, 1997. — 60 pp. (Suppl. 5 to "Vestnik zoologii"). (In Ukrainian, with English summary). [pdf 764 kb]

Zagorodniuk I. Catalogue of rare animal species: rare categories and principles of protection // In: Biodiversity of the Carpathian biosphere reserve. Kyiv, InterEcoCentre, 1997. Pp. 298-307. (In Russian, with summary in English).

Zagorodniuk I. A concept of "hot spots" and biological diversity conservation // In: T. Gardashuk (ed.). Convention on biological diversity: public awareness and participation (Proceed. Internat. Conf.). Kyiv, Stylos, 1997. Pp. 59-68. (In Ukrainian, with English summary).

Zagorodniuk I. V. Steppe fauna hearth of Eastern Europe: its structure and prospects of protection // Reports Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukr., 1999. N 5. Pp. 203-210. (In Ukrainian, with English summary).

Zagorodniuk I. V. (ed.). Mammals of Ukraine, protected by the Bern Convention. — Kyiv, 1999. — 222 pp. — (Proc. Theriol. school, issue 2). [html-contents & pdf of all files on Terioshkola-site]

Zagorodniuk I. V. (ed.). Amphibians and reptiles of Ukraine protected by the Bern Convention. — Kyiv, 1999. — 108 pp. [html of article "Protected categories of lower tetrapodes"]

Zagorodniuk I. (ed.). Invertebrate animals of Ukraine, protected by the Bern Convention. — Kyiv, 1999. — 60 pp. (Series: "Catalogue of the flora and fauna under the Berrn Convention", Issue ²V). (In Ukrainian, with English summary). [pdf 565 kb]

Zagorodniuk I. Rare animal species // In: Shelyag-Sosonko Yu. R. (ed.). Development of the econet of Ukraine. Kyiv, 1999. Pp. 71-75. (In Ukrainian).

Zagorodniuk I. V., Gryschenko V. M. Proposals to the provision about national "red lists" in Ukraine // In: Reserve business in Ukraine. Kaniv, 1999. Pp. 127-132. (In Ukrainian).

Zagorodniuk I. V. Protection and non-compensated losses of biota as "red-book" future // In: Ecological and social-economic aspects of catastrophic spontaneous phenomena in the Caprathian region. Rakhiv, 1999. Pp. 124-131. (In Ukrainian).

Emelyanov I. G., Zagorodniuk I. V., Khomenko V. N. Taxonomic structure and complexity of biotic communities // Ecology & noospherology, 1999. Vol. 8 (4). Pp. 6-18. (In Russian, with summary in English).

Zagorodniuk I. V. Systematic position of a taxa as a criterium of its vulnerability // Reports Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukr., 2000, N 5. Pp. 180-186. (In Ukrainian, with English summary).

Zagorodniuk I. V. Genera of mammals in the East-European fauna and their Ukrainian names. Part. 1. General theses. Insectivores, bats, and carnivores // Visnyk Natl. Nat.-Hist. Muz. NAS of Ukraine. 2001. Vol. 1. Pp. 113-131. (In Ukrainian). [pdf 688 kb]

Zagorodniuk I., Kysselyuk O., Polischuk I., Zenina I. Units of measure of population abundance and the minimal scheme for census of mammals // Visnyk Lvivskogo Univ. (Biology Series). 2002, N 30. Pp. 8-17. (In Ukrainian, with English summary). [pdf 152 kb]

Zagorodniuk I. V. Bat communities in urban areas: species selection by the frequency of their ultrasonic signals // Reports Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukr., 2003, N 8. Pp. 184-189. (In Ukrainian, with English summary).

Zagorodniuk I. V. Species of the lower tetrapodes from Ukraine: in the nature and on the paper // Visnyk Lvivskogo Univ. (Biology Series). 2003, Is. 33. Pp. 80–90. (In Ukrainian, with English summary). [pdf 492 kb]

Zagorodniuk I. V., Emelyanov I. G. Species in ecology as population system and member of biotic community // Visnyk of the Dnipropetrovsk University (Ser. Biol., Ecol.). 2003. Issue 11 (Vol. 1). P. 3-13.

Zagorodniuk I. V. Invasions as way to speciation // Reports Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukr., 2003, N 10. Pp. 187–194. [ukr., with english summary; pdf 249 kb].

Zagorodnyuk I. V., Poluda A. M., Yemelyanov I. G. Fauna of Ukraine as object of protection: state and threats for conservation // System of protection of biological diversity in Ukraine: state and prospects / Shelyag-Sosonko Yu. R. (ed.). - Kyiv, "Chimjest", 2003. - P. 38-72. [pdf 294 kb].

Zagorodniuk I. V., Fesenko G. V. Sibling Taxonomical Complexes among Birds of Fauna of the Eastern Europe // Naukovyj Visnyk Uzhgorod University. Series Biology. 2004. Issue 15. P. 5-19. [ukr., with english summary; pdf 336 kb].

Zizda Yu. E., Zagorodniuk I. V. Rarity species as sign of exceptionality of the region (on example of the mammal fauna of Carpathians) // Modern problems of ecology (Proceedings of All-Ukrainian conference of young scientists 7–9 November, 2004). Zaporizhzhia, 2004. P. 159–163. [pdf 117 kb].


page started: November 9 2003, update: January 20, 2005.


Proc. Theriol. school, vol. 6

Zagorodniuk I. (ed.).
Cave fauna of Ukraine.
Kyiv, 2004. 148 pp.

Proc. Theriol. school, vol. 5

Zagorodniuk I. V.
Field Key to Small
Mammals from Ukraine.
Kyiv, 2002. 60 pp.

Proc. Theriol. school, vol. 4

Zagorodniuk I. (ed.).
Russian Desman
(Desmana moschata)
in the Siversky
Donets Basin.
Kyiv, 2002. 64 pp.

Zagorodniuk I., Postawa T., Woloszyn B. W.
Field Key to Bats from
Undergroung Caves
of Eastern Europe.
Krakow, Kyiv: PLATAN Publ. House, 1999. 43 pp.

novitates theriol., pars 6

Zagorodniuk I. (ed.).
Migratory Status
of Bats in Ukraine.
Kyiv, 2001. 172 pp.

Proc. Theriol. school, vol. 2

Zagorodniuk I. V. (ed.).
Mammals of Ukraine
Protected by
the Bern Convention.
Kyiv, 1999. 222 pp.

Proc. Theriol. school, vol. 1

Zagorodniuk I. (ed.).
European Bat Night
'98 in Ukraine.
Kyiv, 1998. 198 pp.